Best Ever – Nicklaus? Woods? McIlroy?

Two time major winner and former world number one Greg Norman thinks that Rory McIlroy has what it takes to break Jack Nicklaus’ major championship record, and even more chance than Tiger Woods.

McIlroy who is currently the best in the world has two majors under his belt at the moment and is a long way off getting anywhere near Tiger’s record let alone Jack’s. Woods hasn’t won a major in four years but in my opinion still has a lot of golf left to play, and he more than anybody will be determined to surpass Nicklaus’ record.

McIlroy has had a great couple of years but I think people are getting carried away, sometimes talent isn’t enough to sustain a long career, you need sheer determination, has McIlroy got that? I don’t know but I think the next couple of years are crucial if he is to have any chance in becoming the greatest player to ever play the game.


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